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Movement Rants on the Blog
Curious to learn how your body can move better? rehab tips? the science of movement and more?
Here are Marion's latest Movement Rants.

Marion Mcrae
Jun 6, 20247 min read
Albany Surf Club Paddle Challenge : Be Fearless
It's been a while since I have felt the urge to write about one of movement adventures, and the Albany Surf Club Paddle event last...

Marion Mcrae
Feb 29, 20242 min read
Maximising Your Private Health Insurance for Physiotherapy
This is a topic I try and stay updated on as 95 % of our clients use private health insurance to offset their physiotherapy expenses....

Marion Mcrae
Dec 6, 20236 min read
World Championships Perth 2023 - FIVE Take Home Nuggets
It's great to reflect on big achievements after they happen. To Pause, Reflect and Ponder all that has been learned, before racing onto...

Marion Mcrae
Jun 29, 20237 min read
Home Remedial Massage: Your Key to Unlocking a Pain-Free & Relaxing Lifestyle
Don't know about you, but this time of year in Margaret River I start dreaming about sunny vacations to warmer climates. I found myself...

Marion Mcrae
May 28, 20233 min read
Psilocybin & MDMA-Assisted Therapy - Margaret River
It is with great excitement I would like to let our clients know that I have been accepted into Mind Medicine Australia's next cohort of...

Marion Mcrae
Sep 22, 20222 min read
Today's Movement Award Goes to ..... Feldenkrais
At the end of a long clinical day - believe it or not - when there is time and space, I really enjoy reflecting on what EACH client...

Marion Mcrae
Jul 19, 20222 min read
How and Why we Move ? Ponder it.
I feel this video is a GREAT example of two minds approaching one concept (MOVEMENT) from very different perspectives. As a...

Marion Mcrae
Jul 12, 20222 min read
What Stretches and Exercises Help Sciatica ?
In my experience the BEST way to ease Sciatica is to STOP stretching and instead focus your attention on understanding why your sciatic...

Marion Mcrae
Jul 5, 20222 min read
Breath - Cheap, Portable, POWERFUL
I firmly believe breath is one of the most under-utilised tools to improve performance, mental clarity, reduce inflammation and to...
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